technologist ● consultant Advisor

Danielle Gillespie is a tech geek who thrives on building rock solid products that people love.

Her success is based on one central theme: Ideas Last.

Danielle has over 25 years of experience developing tech products. Her experience covers a variety of industries including hospitality, health and wellness, manufacturing, retail and first responders.

One thing that products in all industries have in common: the best products focus on customers first while downplaying “idea”.

Danielle has worked for startups of various sizes and stages for the majority of her career. She founded her own company, has held various product development roles and actively advises a handful of startup tech companies. She has brought many concepts to life that started as an idea on a paper napkin. Danielle’s main focus is tech platforms that monetize through SaaS or transactional processing models.

If you would like to learn more, let me know! 

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