Meeting you where you are

taking you where you want to go


As a startup founder, you will lead your company through many different phases. Our engagements are tailored to meet the needs of each entrepreneur’s most urgent challenges. We can flexibly find an option that provides value without breaking the bank. 

IDEA Phase: typically years 0-1

You have that initial spark captured on the proverbial napkin. Where do you go from here?

Here are a few examples of how I can help:

  • evaluate multiple ideas for viability and market success
  • create/analyze business case
  • create launch plan
  • prototype or MVP

LAUNCH Phase: typically year 1-2+

You have either a prototype or MVP. You need to balance sales against new development and need to make sure you’re setting high value priorities. 

Here are a few examples of how I can help:

  • create product roadmap
  • interface with engineering
  • pitch deck for partners or fundraising
  • Ideas Last methodology
  • prioritizing budget
  • data collection and analysis

GROW Phase: typically years 2 and beyond

Your product has been released and you may have some usage data/stats. You are ready to accelerate growth and need a strategic plan.

Here are a few examples of how I can help:

  • evaluate what’s working and what’s not
  • provide significant input into next generation of product
  • interface with customers
  • collect/evaluate usage data
  • Ideas Last methodology
  • Chief Product Officer-as-a-service